Android Library Project using Android Studio

Purpose: Android library at single place - Share across multiple projects

Following are the steps:
 1. Create new Android studio project. I have created one with name "Libraries"
 2. Create one new module File->New->New Module
     As shown in pic below, I have added one new module named "androidutils"

       We can create as many modules as we want. Each module will be like different library.
       We can create as many modules as we want. Each module will be like different library.

 3. Open the other project in Android Studio, where you want to use the library "androidutils"
      Change the navigation view to "Project"

      Open settings.gradle and make it look like below and Sync the gradle

      In above picture, we are telling gradle to include the module androidutils and also telling where to look           for that module

      After syncing gradle you would see your module in the navigator

      But at this point, you wont be able to use it in your app.

      Open your app's build.gradle. Highlighted one in below picture

      and add following line in dependencies section and sync again
     compile project(':androidutils')

      Now you should be able to use your library in your project

Tip: Keep Libraries project open in separate instance of Android Studio


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