Type Indian languages on your smartphone

App Name: Type Indian

Type Indian
Type Indian
App Description: Use it to share your thoughts in Indian languages. This app let you type in English and text will be converted into selected Indian language. That means when you type in English ‘Namste’, you get ‘नमस्ते’. So basically it doesn’t translate but transliterate the text.
Plus you can share your text using any means of communication available on your smartphone.
Type Indian
Type Indian

  • Multiple Indian languages supported.
    Type in Bengali
    Type in Gujarati
    Type in Hindi
    Type in Kannada
    Type in Malayalam
    Type in Marathi
    Type in Oriya
    Type in Punjabi
    Type in Sanskrit
    Type in Tamil
    Type in Telugu
    Type in Urdu
  • Sharing of the text supported by any means you just name it. 
  • Wow set of backgrounds. 
  • Works even if your smartphone doesn’t support particular language. 

keywords: type in Bengali, type in Guajarati, type in Hindi, type in Kannada, type in Malayalam, type in Marathi, type in Oriya, type in Punjabi, type in Sanskrit, type in Tamil, type in Telugu, type in Urdu

ATTRIBUTION: This app is based on the transliteration codes and APIs of Google™. Google™ is not associated with this product or with the developer in any way. Neither Google™ nor this developer is responsible or liable for any errors, if any, that may appear in the transliteration process. All we, developers, want to do is to help people express better in their language tapping the great potential of the Google™ Transliterate APIs. This app is easy to use and meant for using when connected to the web. Supported by ads

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