Adding keywords to Blogger : Blogger Tricks

Places where you can add keywords to Blogger:

  1. Blog post title
    • best place 
    • attracts search engine a lot like Google, bing, yahoo etc
    • shouldn't loose post title meaning as it is the post title which grabs human brain's attention at first place
  2. Starting and ending of blog post content
    • always use keyword throughout the post
    • do mention the keyword in starting and ending of your blog post content
      e.g. "add keywords to Blogger" has been added in very first line of this post.
    • Don't use the same keyword throughout the post. Do use some alterations, which in turn will target more search terms.
    • Never use more than 2 or 4 keywords. In other words, do not cram your post with keywords. Those 2 or 4 keyword should match the flow of the post, do not use them for the sake of using them.
  3. Image name, title and alt tag
    • add keyword to image caption
    • add keyword to image Title text
    • add keyword to image ALT text
  4. Labels of blog post
    • don't just use labels for categorization purpose.
    • use labels as keywords to attract search bots.
    • rename old meaningless labels to something useful for search engines
  5. Comments of blog post
    • secret trick, use keywords in comments
    • express your thoughts in comments section using keywords related to post, not only to just readers but also to search engine bots. when they scan comments section they find reader talking about the said topic so results in increase in SERP
  6. Permalink of blog post
    • Permalink also tells search engines about the post.
    • most likely in blogger, Permalink will include parts of you blog title resulting in having keywords in the link too(you should use keywords in blog post title for this as discussed above)
    • if in any case Permalink does not have keyword you wish for, you can always customize it in right section of blogger editor.
  7. Make it bold
    • formatting (bold, underline, italics) your keywords help grabbing search bots attention.
    • do not format a lot, making your post standing out only keywords to end user
    • format smartly e.g. i have just made "add keywords to Blogger" bold and italics above and now also :)
Conclusion: So above we discussed few tricks that we can implement while writing blog post in order to get ranked high in search results. If you follow something else on "how to add keywords to Blogger" (see smartly used keyword in ending section of my post), then you can share in comments section(with link to your blog post. chance to get link-in site yeah) else maybe you do not want to share your secret with others ;)

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